Friday, September 14, 2012

Hearing the Lord

I have the distinct privelege of being surrounded by women of faith.  Women that have nutured, cultivated and honed their ability to hear the Lord.  Every single one of these women have influenced my life and my walk with Christ, even unintentionally.

One of these women is naturally -my mother. 
My mother has always been a strong, spiritual leader in my life.  From child devotions over breakfast, to praying specifically, to leading by example, to showing continual grace.  I continue to learn a lot from her.

The second most impacting woman in my life is my Grammy.  She is faithful to listen, pray and guide in good times and bad.  I can call with spiritual questions and she never passes judgement.  I can explain circumstances and she is quick to explain why.  She is a wealth of biblical knowledge, and who I want to be when I "grow up."  :)

That being said, my grammy once told me something that just clicked.  You see, my husband and I went through some fairly severe struggles for about 3 years.  Financial, marital and moral.  I felt like the head of my household had abandoned his post.  Abandoned ME.  Sure, he was here everyday, working, being a good father, providing (kind of), but there was so much we disagreed on.  Like most other difficult times, there comes the proverbial "straw that breaks the camel's back."  For us, it had to be rock bottom.  A very scary situation. 
When we did finally hit the depth of dispair, I was so thankful that it brought us together and did not tear us apart.  Already struggling, we really only had a 50/50 shot.  The Lord was 100% in control and now -when I look back on it, I can see Him in the most minute details.  We ended up at Grammy's farm, seeking.  A place where my girls could explore, play, be secure and comfortable in their surroundings.  I am certain we were looking for that too.  To have a place of solace like that is immeasurable.  We discussed and prayed and cried and poured our hearts out.  We were weary, but we were TOGETHER.  We had searched and found all the missing pieces to our happiness puzzle.  We just needed help to re-assemble it.  Grammy told us, "This has been your 40years in the desert.  This has been your proofing-fire.  The worst is over.  God has shown you that YOUR way is not what will make this life good.  It's got to be His way, and this is you two hearing the Lord." 
I knew it.  I knew she was right.  In my commitment to my husband, I assumed his burdens.  He assumed mine.  Un-knowingly, we had walked through the desert together.  I can only imagine how much easier the journey would have been had we been attempting to work together -not alone.  Satan was trying to destroy my marriage, but God prevailed.  We trusted.  Maybe a little late, but I'm thankful that he doesn't expect us to be perfect.

Everybody goes through the "proofing-fire."  Prove your faith.  It's so hard to live this everyday; maybe a stress that we shouldn't subject ourselves to, but the reward is in the ease of life when living God's will. 

My marriage has grown abundantly and our personal faith walks have bloomed.  We truly have harvested the sweet fruit that God promised.  I hope to be inspirational in my daughters' lives as these women have been in mine.  I still have so very much to learn, but learning to hear the Lord is my joy.

Isaiah 30:21 informs us, "Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."

This was a very good article that helped me understand.  Good reference when in question:

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